Getting your license suspended is no fun. Not only does it come with a lot of legal headaches from the Texas court system and transportation issues, but you could also lose your auto insurance altogether. One important thing to remember is you don't have to own a car to get auto insurance to reinstate your license. You can purchase a non owners insurance policy that can prove as insurance for DMV to reinstate your suspended license. The same rule applies if you are required to carry SR-22 insurance even if you do not own a vehicle. A Non owners SR-22 policy can get your license back and satisfy your SR-22 needs as well. In many cases, you need auto insurance in Texas even with a suspended license, so how do you go about keeping it or getting a new policy?
Reasons Driver’s Lose Their License:
DUI or DWI conviction (Driving while intoxicated or under the influence of drugs or alcohol)
Got pulled over and found to have no minimum liability insurance
The unpaid tickets piled up
Leaving the scene of a car accident
Unpaid child support
Medical conditions that affect the ability to drive safely
Charged with reckless driving
Why You Still Need Car Insurance When Your License Is Suspended
Legal Requirements: You will often need to provide proof of automobile insurance to get your license back. This can be difficult because your car insurance company may drop you or choose not to renew your policy if your license has been suspended. There are special programs and forms like the SR-22 that can help you get your license back.
Avoiding Coverage Gap: Coverage gaps can make it hard to get new insurance and can cause a large increase in rates. People with gaps in their insurance may need a high-risk auto insurance policy. Avoiding a gap can make sure you get the most affordable car insurance rates later.
Other Drivers On The Policy: If you have other drivers on your policy, especially ones that drive the car you own, you’ll want to keep that policy active. If possible, make another driver the main policyholder rather than yourself.
Covering A Car In Storage: If nobody will be driving your car and you wish to store it, you can get comprehensive car insurance only to protect it from damage and theft. It will not provide any financial assistance with driving-related claims.
How To Get Insurance With A Suspended License
How long a license is suspended depends on the state laws and the severity of the actions that caused you to lose the license in the first place. For example, a DUI can result in a 10-year suspension while other suspensions are much shorter. Regardless of the amount of time, your insurance rates are sure to go up and you might have to seek new high-risk insurance from another auto insurance company. When you compare car insurance online make sure you input that you have a suspended license on your quote so the rate will be accurate. Many auto insurance quote comparison sites will charge customers more money on their monthly premium. So, if you are looking for cheap auto insurance it would be a good start to get your driver's license reinstated.
There are some companies that specialize in providing low-cost insurance to high-risk drivers such as Save Money Car Insurance you can visit their website savemoneycarinsurance.com. Under some circumstances, your current insurance company might still cover you at a different rate or with a different type of restricted policy. Contact your insurance broker to find the best options for your situation. You can also get a SR-22 form to prove you have the insurance needed to get your license reinstated. The form is filed by the auto insurance company for high-risk drivers in Dallas. Each state has different laws, so if you are outside of Texas make sure to research suspended license laws in your area.