Auto insurance rates in Sapulpa are among the most reasonable in the state of Oklahoma because it is less populated than larger cities like Tulsa and OKC. There are fewer accidents and fewer cases of uninsured motorists than in the rest of the state. This helps to keep costs lower in more rural areas. Sapulpa is still a great place to live with a growing economy and great schools.
The cost of full-coverage insurance in Sapulpa can range from $1300 to $1,883 or more a year, and your price depends on many factors, some of which are outside of your control and others that are. Details that influence your premiums can include where you live, the car you drive, your marital status, your age, your credit score, and your driving record.
Car insurance rates in the state of Oklahoma are infamous for being quite high compared to the other 49 states of America. This is primarily due to their severe and unpredictable weather. Tornados, high winds, and heavy rain can all cause body damage to a vehicle and increase the number of accidents per year. Oklahoma also has the highest number of uninsured motorists on the road. Unfortunately, that increased risk causes higher premiums for everyone in the area. The good news is, there are discounts available for good drivers that can help you reduce your cost.
The Top Rated Insurance Companies In Sapulpa Oklahoma
Since Sapulpa is a bit smaller than it’s nearest mega-city, Tulsa, it has fewer auto insurance options. That doesn’t mean you have to sacrifice quality, however, as there are plenty of phenomenal companies to choose from. Here are some of the best of the best we’ve worked with.
The Best Insurance Companies For Full Coverage Auto In Sapulpa:
CCA (Casualty Corporation of America)
This is an OK based company that has been in business since 1964. If you’re looking for a local company, this is our top pick.
The three choices below are equally satisfactory national chains.
State Farm
Full coverage is a catch-all phrase in the insurance company that means you have liability, comprehensive, and collision coverage. Full coverage is required by banks when they help you finance a car. That means if you have a car payment, you probably have the requirement to get full coverage auto insurance as well. If it’s a newer or more expensive car, you might also want to consider an optional add-on coverage called gap insurance. Gap insurance will help cover the gap in what you still owe the bank for the car in the event the car is totaled in a bad accident.
Not everyone offers minimum liability coverage, but here are some in the area of Sapulpa that offer minimum liability only:
In just about every state, you are required, as a motorist, to carry at least the minimum amount of liability insurance the law stipulates. Liability insurance only covers the other party in the event of an accident; it will not cover any of your own costs. The minimum liability is often not enough to fully protect you from legal action, so consider that when taking it out. You might need to increase the amount of liability insurance to be safe. The state minimum in Oklahoma is written as 25/50/25, which means $25,000 bodily injury per person, $50,000 bodily injury per accident, and $25,000 in property damage.
Remember, you have to carry minimum liability insurance to drive a car in Oklahoma. Not having the required insurance can lead to fines, jail time, and loss of license.
Compare Average Prices For Auto Insurance in Sapulpa For Cheap Liability
Cheap Liability-Only Insurance In Oklahoma At Top Companies:

These are state averages, and Sapulpa can be a bit lower than the rest of the state of OK. In fact, you could see liability rates as low as $51 a month; get a quote with Cheapest Auto Insurance here. Don’t forget, liability insurance will not help cover your personal costs after an accident you cause. It only pays the other party.
Two things that will cause a substantial rate increase are accidents and citations like speeding, reckless driving, and DUI. These things stay on your driving record for three to five years. In fact, too many accidents or serious infractions and your insurance company can drop you entirely.
Best Rates For Liability Auto Insurance Coverage In Oklahoma After an accident:

Best Rates For Auto Insurance Liability Coverage With Tickets Or DUI:

One more thing that often comes as a shock to people shopping for insurance, your credit score can impact the auto insurance premium you pay. Just like insurance companies see married people as being better drivers, they see people with bad credit as benign, more careless, and therefore more risky and expensive to insure.
Cheapest Liability Insurance in OK For Younger Drivers With Poor Credit:
Geico: $600 per year.
American Farmers & Ranchers: $906 per year.
Equity: $945 per year.
Allstate: $1,054 per year.
Oklahoma Farm Bureau: $1,101 per year.
If lousy credit, accidents, or a DUI is keeping you from finding affordable insurance, you might be able to get insurance through the Oklahoma Automobile Insurance Plan that is run by the state.
The Benefits For Sapulpa Drivers Choosing Full Coverage Insurance
Unless you rarely drive and when you do it’s with an old fully-paid-off banger, then it’s probably best to go with full coverage auto insurance. The cost of repairs and injuries is just too great of a financial risk to take. By not protecting your own vehicle and assets, you are open to legal costs and lawsuits, as well as leaving you without a car to drive.
If you still owe money to a bank for your car purchase, then the choice will be out of your hands anyway. Full coverage insurance protects you not only from accidents but things like theft, vandalism, and weather damage as well. That’s not to say having full coverage removes all the costs associated with damages; you’ll still have to pay a deductible.
Deductibles are a portion of the claim you must pay out of pocket before your insurance kicks in. It seems unfair since you are already paying premiums, but deductibles help lower your overall costs for insurance and keep people from making fraudulent or frivolous claims that drive up costs for everyone. You can actually reduce your monthly insurance premiums by electing a higher deductible if you choose.
So, what exactly do you get with full coverage insurance? Collision coverage is what will pay your portion of property damage and injuries after an accident you cause. Without it, your liability insurance will only pay the other party’s bills. You’ll also get comprehensive coverage, which can be very important, especially in states like Oklahoma, with severe weather. Comprehensive coverage will also cover you for things like vandalism, theft, and other things that damage your vehicle.
The Most Affordable Full Coverage Auto Insurance Companies In Sapulpa
The following numbers are average rates for full coverage for married couples in Oklahoma, keep in mind Sapulpa residents might pay less.

If you have a live-in partner and are not married, you can still save by bundling because you live under the same roof. These rates are for middle aged drivers with clean driving records.
What happens when a married couple adds a teen driver to their family plan? As you might expect, the rate will rise substantially. Teen drivers cause the most fatal crashes out of any other age group so their insurance premiums are higher. The following premiums are for a couple plus on teen driver, or three total individuals.
Here are OK state averages for families with one teen driver:
Geico: $2,434 per year.
Allstate: $3,413 per year.
Progressive: $3,453 per year.
American Farmers & Ranchers: $3,867 per year.
Shelter: $4,683 per year.
We mentioned this above when talking about liability insurance, your credit score has an impact on the price of your auto insurance. Full coverage insurance when you have a poor credit score will be more expensive.
Here are OK state averages for full coverage with bad credit (per individual):
Geico: $1,548 per year.
Oklahoma Farm Bureau: $2,078 per year.
Equity: $2,265 per year.
American Farmers & Ranchers: $2,390 per year.
Allstate: $2,455 per year.
People with a credit score of 300-579, very poor or low credit, can experience rates as high as $4,629 a year.
Work directly with credit bureaus, financial planner, or on your own using sites like Credit Karma to raise your credit score. It will take time, but keeping payments on time will make a huge difference. You can also close accounts you no longer need and make sure to keep your debt-to-income ratio low.
Getting Car Insurance Quotes In Sapulpa Oklahoma
Finding the right insurance company for yourself can be a lot of work. The personalized nature of assessing car insurance premiums means that you need an itemized quote from each company to compare side-by-side. You can’t always go with averages because your price could be very different. Some people hesitate to get quotes from lots of insurance companies because they don’t want to receive a ton of follow up calls and emails. You can use a broker and get all your quotes in one place.
Finding Affordable Car Insurance With A Blemished Record In Sapulpa
It can happen to the best of us, not everyone keeps a spotless driving record their whole lives. Things like at-fault accidents and speeding tickets can result in higher insurance premiums for years to come.
Speeding tickets increase your premiums for three to five years and excessive tickets can get you dropped from your plan and make it hard to find a plan that will accept you.
Average statewide costs for the most affordable post-ticket full coverage are:
Geico: $1,319 per year.
Allstate: $1,710 per year.
American Farmers & Ranchers: $1,772 per year.
State Farm: $2,030 per year.
Oklahoma Farm Bureau: $2,079 per year.
If you have a minor crash some companies will raise your rates and others will not. Check to see if your policy has accident forgiveness. If your crash causes more in property damage or injury though you could face larger increases in premiums. If you have full coverage and cause an accident with somewhere around $10,000 in damages here are some average rates you can expect at the most affordable insurance companies in the state:
Geico: $1,741 per year.
Oklahoma Farm Bureau: $2,079 per year.
Allstate: $2,081 per year.
State Farm: $2,170 per year.
Equity: $2,214 per year.
By far the worst thing you can do to your insurance premiums is get issued a DUI. DUI stands for driving under the influence, you might also see it at DWI, or driving while intoxicated. Not only does this increase your rates dramatically, but you can get a suspended license and have additional insurance responsibilities that come with that.
Average costs for full coverage insurance after one DUI in Oklahoma are:
Geico: $1,954 per year.
Allstate: $1,991 per year.
Progressive: $1,992 per year.
Equity: $2,214 per year.
Farmers: $2,313 per year.
If one of these companies will not cover you, you could face even higher costs at an insurance company that specializes in risky drivers. Be careful, a lapse in coverage will make it even more difficult to get your license back later. You will also most likely have to file for SR-22, an additional insurance guarantee that is certified financial responsibility while your license is suspended.
DUIs can stay on your record up to 10 years and there are some additional fees you could be charged by the state such as:

Take A Look At Average Premiums Across The State To See How Sapulpa Compares:

Lowering Your Insurance Premiums In Sapulpa
Your insurance premiums are based on a range of factors but everyone can enjoy a break in rates by applying discounts. Insurance companies use discounts to entice customers to sign up with them. Some focus on accident forgiveness while others go after members of specific professions or situations.
Military Discounts:
Military members and their families will find the cheapest rates by far from USAA. They provide great quality insurance at very low rates for anyone who is active duty, reserve, guard, veterans, and for their spouses and children as well. Since only services members and their families can sign up, USAA isn’t included in our national averages above.
Professional Discounts:
Even if you aren’t in the military, your profession might be able to get you a discount of some sort. Some jobs with unions or groups like for nurses or teachers or police officers can get discounts. Many places of employment might have a connection to get cheaper insurance rates if you check with your HR department.
Pre-Paid And Auto-Draft Discounts:
Insurance companies like to cut their administrative costs down and pass some of those savings on to their customers. You can take advantage of lower rates when you pre-pay your premiums in a lump sum once or twice a year. You can can also get a discount for setting up auto-draft from your bank so that payments come out of your checking account automatically, meaning no missing or late payments. These savings can be as much as 10-20%.
Safe Driver Discounts / Good Student Discounts:
The best thing you can do to keep your rates low is to not have any tickets or accidents. Eliminate distracted driving, do not drive if you are tired or if you’ve been drinking. Pay attention to other drivers on the road and avoid accidents when possible. Teens and college students might be eligible for good student discounts based on their grades. With the high cost to insure teens and young adults, this could be a great way to lower your bill at least by a small amount.
Defensive Driving Discounts / Anti-Theft Discounts:
Another small discount you can go for is to take a defensive driving course or install anti-theft devices on your cars. Depending on where you live, other discounts might be available for these and other safety measures.
Choosing Your Vehicle:
If you’re in the market for a new car make sure to call your insurance company to see how your rates will be affected with different cars. Cars with better safety ratings might see lower rates. Of course, any luxury cars or classics will be more expensive to insure.
Bundle Discounts:
You can bundle your home and auto insurance or use family plans to save big money on premiums. Many of the national chains offer both types of insurance as well as additional things like commercial or even some health benefits.
Price Isn’t The Only Important Factor In Choosing Car Insurance
Price isn’t always the bottom line when it comes to choosing your auto insurance company. You also have to take into consideration how easy the company is to work with. If the claims process is difficult or demanding or the company has a poor record for customer service, these are red flags that signify you might have a bad experience when you are in need.
Use a variety of resources to help you pick a company based on things like:
S&P Global Ratings, a source for customer service ratings, gives State Farm the coveted AA rating for top performers. Progressive, Shelter, and Farmers all also earned an A or A+ rating and also scored the highest in discounts offered.
Narrow down the list of local companies you want to work with based on their ratings and reviews, and then start getting personalized quotes from each one. Compare them all side-by-side to see which one is right for you and your family. Keep in mind, many factors go into calculating your premiums and you might not get the same rate as your neighbor or friend. It’s important that you get specific quotes before committing to a plan. You should shop around for new quotes every few years, if not every year, especially if you’ve passed the 3 or 5 year mark after an accident or ticket.
New to Cheapest Auto Insurance?
Sapulpa is a pretty reasonable place to find affordable auto insurance. However, that doesn't mean you should just go with anyone who offers you a quote. Cheapest Auto Insurance is able to find the most competitive rates for you and your vehicle. Get a quote today! Call us at 918-512-6988 or you can get a quote online by clicking here! Also, for anyone in Sapulpa or the surrounding areas we have a walk-in option for you to get a quote and write a policy in person Click here for location information!