Auto insurance rates could be on the rise in Oklahoma City. Watch this video to learn more.
Watch the video to learn more:

Here is a transcript of the video:
With the lockdowns from the pandemic starting to end people are back on the road more than ever. Last year we saw traffic counts and claims drop dramatically because nobody was on the road. So as a result, auto insurance companies lowered their rates or gave customers premium back to them. But that is not the case so far in 2021. Pent up demand has spurred a huge increase of people out spending and back to work more than ever. Traffic accidents are back to pre-pandemic levels if not higher. Auto insurance profits are strongly based on how many accidents they have to pay out on. If this trend continues, we will more than likely see auto insurance companies in Oklahoma City raise their rates very soon. We have already seen several Oklahoma City insurers already file for a rate increase and several more soon to follow.
If auto insurance price in OKC do start to rise we have a few tips to help you keep your auto insurance affordable. Here are a few tips to help save money on your auto insurance:
· Set your monthly payments on auto pay
· Sign up for paperless billing
· Pay your policy in full for 6 months
· Keep your policy active for 6 months straight for the prior insurance discount
· Call your current agent and ask if there are any more discounts you qualify for
· Be sure to shop your insurance at renewal time to make sure the company you are with is still the cheapest.
We have found the more quotes you get the better your chances of finding cheap auto insurance in OKC are going to be. The biggest thing though is keeping a good driving record for 3 straight years. Even if rates in OKC go up if you keep a good driving record and don’t turn in claims you will be among the most rewarded drivers in OKC when it comes to cheap auto insurance.
Cheapest Auto Insurance is here to help OKC drivers find affordable auto insurance. We work with numerous auto insurance companies to help you find the best rates. Please call or text one of our agents today to start saving on your auto insurance.