What is SR-22 insurance and do you need it?
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All About SR 22 Insurance
What is SR-22 insurance and do I need to carry it? That is a good question and depending on which state you live in you may need to carry one. An SR-22 is a certificate of financial responsibility that the state requires some drivers to carry. This form is proof to the state that you are meeting your state’s requirement for basic auto insurance. Not everyone needs to carry SR-22 insurance. It varies from state to state and is required by the court or state for certain moving violations including:
Reckless Driving
Accidents Caused by Uninsured Drivers
Usually, when your license is suspended for a moving violation in order to reinstate your driver’s license the court may order you to carry an SR-22 to prove that you have continuously carried auto insurance on your vehicle. If at any time you stop carrying auto insurance it would definitely complicate the process for you.
In the state of Oklahoma, it is not required to have an SR-22 to reinstate your driver’s license. However, if you live in Oklahoma and your license is for another state then most insurance companies in Oklahoma will allow you to file for an SR-22 for that specific state.
In the state of Texas, you will be required to carry SR-insurance in the event that your license is suspended or revoked for a moving violation. To obtain an SR-22 you will need to contact your insurance company and make sure your agent is aware so they can properly add it to your policy. Most insurance companies charge a flat fee to have it on the policy and to communicate to the State that you are carrying the proper coverage. This fee is anywhere from $25-$50.
If you are needing SR-22 Insurance and don’t own a car, we can provide you with a non-owner’s SR-22 insurance policy to take care of this issue for you. This is usually about 15% cheaper than a normal policy with an SR-22 because the risk is less for the insurance company since you are not driving a vehicle on a regular basis.
How do I find cheap SR22 insurance?
Finding a local auto insurance broker who specializes in nonstandard auto insurance is the best way to find cheap SR-22 insurance. These brokers search through numerous different insurance companies to find you the best rate for your situation. Also, try to set up your monthly payments on auto-pay and sign up for paperless billing for more discounts.
If you find yourself in a situation where you are needing SR-22 insurance you can contact Cheapest Auto Insurance. We specialize in helping people find the best coverage to get back on the road! You can visit us online at Aautoandhomeinsurance.com or call us at 918-744-5145!