Almost every motorist believes in a safety fallacy that under the least expected circumstances often leaves them hanging high and dry on the side of a road. Although at the back of their mind all drivers understand that anything necessitating the need for road side assistance can occur to them anywhere at any time, hardly do they remember to take precautions to ensure they have protection.
Whether you have been on the road for just two days or even if you have been a driver for the last 40 years, it is impossible for you to predict when you may need a helping hand on the road. According to the insurance experts from the Cheapest Auto Insurance in Tulsa, one thing that a lot of individuals ignore at their own peril is the need to include insurance for road side assistance when they are purchasing their policies!
Believing in the misconception of safety that nothing unexpected can ever happen to their cars while they are driving, such category of road users assume that the premium paid for any type of cover for emergency assistance is a burden they can do without. Consequently, they routinely skimp on emergency road side assistance insurance when they are buying their cover. That is until things go haywire for them in the middle of nowhere.
The Benefits of Road Side Assistance Insurance: are many if you just take a minute to think about the following scenarios.
If you have not had a flat tire at some point in your driving career, chances are that you will soon have one. However, almost every motorist in Tulsa has had a flat tire. One thing which is hard to explain is why tires decide to go flat at the most inconvenient places and moments! Take a case where you are taking out your family on an important trip and everyone including you is dressed to the ninth. And assume that while you are happily cruising somewhere on the backside of beyond, the car suddenly begins to limp. Would you jump out (spare tire and jack in hand) to crawl under your car to change the tire? Apart from making you dirty, such an antic would be dangerous on the side of a busy highway where other cars are speeding.
Cold man winter is trudging closer and closer, and with him are unfriendly guests like batteries that drain out their charge during the night. A common experience that many drivers have encountered is the inability to start their cars in the morning because of a dead battery. The reasons for this can be many including a car radio or a cabin light inadvertently left on throughout the night. Or going through a common experience during the cold season in which you get stuck somewhere remote, but you cannot run your car’s heater.
You might think that you have your car keys in your pocket or pouch, but the truth is that you forgot to pick it from the seat and locked it inside the car. Nothing can be as maddening and exasperating like the realization that you have locked yourself outside your car. When you are faced with such a situation, you have only two options. One, you can decide to leave the car and walk away, and two, you can look for a local locksmith who you can be certain will pick a pretty sum of money from you for a one minute job!
If you have a flat tire, you can drive to the nearest town and have the puncture fixed or the tire replaced. A locksmith will charge you an arm and a leg, but at the end of your frustrations you will still be able to get inside your car. A passing motorist can assist you with cables with which to jump-start your car. But if you run out of gas there is nothing you can do if you are miles away from a gas station. You can neither pee nor pour water into the tank! There is no getting around an empty tank because you will be stuck in whichever hole you are until help comes along or you decide to walk to the nearest refilling point.
Calling for Road Side Assistance: In all the scenarios above, you can find an alternative solution, but at both the risk to your safety and the frustrating inconvenience to you. However, if you remembered to purchase emergency assistance insurance plan from the Cheapest Auto Insurance in Tulsa, such road side mishaps would not rattle your nerves.
In case you run out of gas, you would simply have to call a number and sooner than you can sigh, assistance would be at hand. And to avoid the unnecessary expense of paying a local lock smith, calling road side assistance would ensure you get back into your car with as little hustle as possible. Someone from road side assistance will also come to your help and change your tire when it runs flat or jump start your car if the batteries go dead.
Purchasing Road Side Insurance from the Cheapest Auto Insurance in Tulsa right from the start when you are renewing your policy will ensure that emergencies that crop up do not leave you feeling helpless. Whenever you call an emergency service, someone providing the service you want will be immediately dispatched to you. And if the coverage you have is verified, the Cheapest Auto Insurance will directly take the bill, thereby sparing you the burden of paying upfront.
So do not wait until you are stranded somewhere in the wilderness before you can think of road side assistance insurance. In case you do not have such protection at the moment, we highly recommend that you consider various plans we have for you. And do not cheat yourself that since you have a new car, the emergency coverage is an option you can avoid. Well, did you not know that even new cars can break down, run out of gas or have a punctured tire? Get smart now!